
   Galagos are relatives of the monkeys. They are found wild only in Africa. There are about 30 kinds. The largest are as large as cats. The smallest are smaller than squirrels. The African natives call the little ones "bush babies." Galagos are pretty animals with their soft fur, bushy tails, big ears, and big eyes.
   Their eyes are peculiar. A galago cannot move its eyes except by moving its whole head. But it is able to turn its head very far to each side.
   As one would guess from its big eyes, a galago hunts for its food at night. It eats mostly fruit and insects. During the daytime it curls itself up in a tree. A man who once had a pet bush baby said that it used to wrap itself in a newspaper every morning and sleep until dusk.
   Bush babies make good pets. But they are not as intelligent as their big eyes make them appear. Their way of finding out about anything new is to chew it. A person who has a pet galago may expect to have his ears and fingers chewed a little.
   These little animals are not easy to catch. They move very fast. On the ground they make long hops like a kangaroo. In the trees they jump quite long distances from one branch to another.
   At night it is not hard to tell when there are galagos near by. Their cries as they hunt for food are a common night sound of the African bush