
   Human beings belong to the group of mammals called primates. So do monkeys. Monkeys have hands just as we do. They have ten fingers and ten toes. They have brains much like ours.
   There are two groups of monkeys—the Old World monkeys and the New World monkeys. The proboscis and rhesus monkeys, the langur, and the guereza come from the Old World.
   The proboscis monkey is large. From the tip of its nose to the end of its tail it is more than four feet long. This monkey gets its name from its big nose.
   Rhesus monkeys come from the jungles of India. There they live in big, noisy groups.
   The Himalayan langur is one of the few monkeys found in cold regions. It lives high enough in the Himalayas to be among trees covered with snow in winter.
   Most "monkey fur," which used to be made into women's capes, came from the guereza. Its black-and-white coat makes the guereza prettier than most monkeys.
   The spider monkey climbs as if it had five arms. Its tail is as useful as a fifth hand. With one hand this monkey can eat fruit, with another hand it can hold fruit ready to eat, with one foot it can gather more fruit, and with the other foot and tail it can swing from branch to branch.
   Howler monkeys get their name because they do a great deal of howling. Their howls are not pleasant.
   There are several kinds of marmoset monkeys in the forests of South America. Their fur is as soft as feathers, and their voices sound like the twittering of birds. The smallest of all monkeys is the pygmy marmoset of Brazil. It can curl up in the palm of a person's hand.
   Monkeys are probably the most popular of all zoo animals. They are fun to watch, but it is never safe to go too close to them. Most of them cannot be trusted.