Parkinson's disease is a condition which affects the NERVOUS SYSTEM. The symptoms of the disease are stiffness of muscles, slowness of movement, and tremors of resting muscles. These rhythmic tremors occur as the limbs rest after excitement or exertion.
The disease is a progressive one. At the onset the tremors are mild, but as time goes on the tremors become more severe and obvious. Those suffering with Parkinson's disease experience increasing difficulty in writing, in dressing, in maintaining balance, in turning around, and in rising from a seated position. It is only in the later stages of the disease that the patient's speech shows obvious change.
Parkinson's disease occurs most often among those between 50 and 60 years of age. Men are afflicted with the disease more frequently than women. It may be caused by poisoning, strokes, head injury or more commonly by ARTERIOSCLEROSIS, or hardening of the blood vessels of the brain. Drugs are often used in the treatment of the disease. They are useful in lessening the rigidity of muscles and controlling the tremors to some degree. In some cases surgery has been attempted but at the present time its effectiveness is uncertain.