Due Amanti |
Giulio Romano, real name Giulio Pippi de' Gianuzzi, c. 1492—1546, Italian painter and architect, was born in Rome. Succeeding Raphael as head of the Roman school of painting, he studied under his predecessor and assisted him in several of his leading works, especially in the Vatican series called "Raphael's Bible" and in the "Benefactors of the Church," in the salon of the Incendio del Borgo. By Raphael's will he was entrusted with the completion of the frescoes in the Sala di Constantino in the Vatican. Of the series he alone executed the "Battle of Constantine" and the "Apparition of the Cross." Entering the service of the Duke Federigo Gonzaga in 1524, he largely rebuilt Mantua, restoring the cathedral and adorning the Palazzo del Te with pictures of "The Story of Cupid and Psyche" and "The Fall of Giants." His death prevented his beginning an appointment as architect of St. Peter's.