Among the best-known of the mollusks are the striking creatures known as squids and octopuses. They belong to the class of the Cephalopoda, or cephalopods ("head-feet," in Greek; so called because the foot, which is separated into a number of "arms," encircles the head). The cephalopods differ from most other mollusks in one important respect: they generally do not develop shells, the mantle forming the outer part of the naked body. In some species, however, there is an inner skeleton, lying under the surface of the body.

The expert cephalopod swimmer called the squid is a streamlined, spindle-shaped creature; it is sometimes called the sea arrow because of the way in which it darts through the water. The foot is divided into ten arms, of which two are longer than the rest; these arms, which bear suckers, are used to seize and hold prey. The eyes have no lids; otherwise they look startlingly like human eyes.
The squid draws water through a central cavity of the body — the mantle cavity — and forces it out through a flexible tube, the siphon, when the mantle is contracted. The siphon is located just back of the arms; the jet of water that spurts through it serves to propel the animal swiftly backward. (Ink is also discharged through this siphon.) The fins, which are two flaplike extensions of the mantle, are used chiefly for steering; they also serve to propel the squid slowly forward or backward.
One of the most familiar species is the common squid, or Loligo pealei, which is found along the eastern coast of North America and in Mediterranean and Oriental waters. It is used by some fishermen as bait; it also serves as human food, particularly in the Mediterranean area and the Orient. The squid known as the flying squid (Ommastrephes bartrami) has been compared to the flying fish; it often shoots out of the water, particularly when the weather is rough, and sometimes lands on the decks of ships.