Bread facts

facts about bread
   The people of every land have their own kinds of bread. But all bread is alike in one way. It is made of flour and a liquid. The flour, as a rule, comes from grain. But it can also be made from potatoes, soybeans, peas, breadfruit, bananas, or some kinds of roots.
   Breads can be divided into two groups. Those in one group are light and more or less fluffy. They are raised, or leavened, breads. Others are thin and hard. They are unleavened breads.
   One way of making bread light and fluffy is to put yeast in it. The yeast gives off little bubbles of carbon dioxide. These bubbles puff up the dough.
   There are other ways of producing bubbles of carbon dioxide in bread dough. Baking powder can be used. So can sour milk and soda. Biscuits and other quick breads are made without yeast.
   Matzoth is one kind of unleavened bread. Graham crackers are another.
   Bread is a very important kind of food. It is sometimes called the "staff of life." Much of the bread we eat now is enriched. Vitamins and minerals have been added to it. Bread is so important that the word "bread" is sometimes used to stand for all our food. In the Lord's Prayer, when we say, "Give us this day our daily bread," we are really asking for all the food we need to keep us well and strong.