Facts about chinchillas

facts animal chinchilla fur

 The fur on the skin of the chinchilla is believed to be the softest in the world, approximately 30 times softer than a human hair.

The chinchilla is a rodent whose habitat is found in the Andes Mountains.

The average life span of a chinchilla is 10 years, although they reach a maximum of 20 years.

Among all terrestrial animals, chinchillas have the highest fur density, with more than 20,000 hairs per square centimeter.

In so great the density in the fur of the chinchillas that the parasites of the skin would die of suffocation.

Chinchillas need to take regular baths of dust and volcanic ash to get rid of the oil and moisture that continually fixes itself on their thick coat.

In humans, only one hair grows per follicle, unlike chinchillas, where each follicle grows to more than 80 hairs.

Chinchillas are widely used as pets in some countries.

Predators of chinchillas include birds of prey, felines, snakes and dogs.
