How does a Geiger counter work?

How does a Geiger counter work?

The Geiger counter is a device used to know how much radioactivity is present in a substance or in a finished area. The counter works in a similar way to a neon light.

In a neon light, an electric current excites the gas molecules inside the crystal tube, making them shine brightly. Like neon light, a Geiger counter consists of a gas tube, with two pieces of metal inside it. The radiation consists of particles traveling at high speeds and energy waves, and together, excite the gas molecules inside the counter tube as they pass through it.

The molecules of the excited gas establish an electric current between the two pieces of metal inside the tube. The metal is attached to an amplifier and a meter, which increase and read the current. The strength of the current indicates the level of radiation. Also, depending on the force of the electric current is the volume of sound that the counter makes when it finds radioactivity.

Since a Geiger counter reads only radioactivity, it cannot be used to find metals such as silver or gold, which are not radioactive. However, it can be used to find uranium.
