The great Palace of Romulus and Remus

The great Palace of Romulus and Remus

Not long ago the remains of an ancient palace were discovered under the forum of Rome, which support the legend of the foundation of the Eternal City by Romulus and Remus, the twin brothers who according to tradition were suckled by a she-wolf.

The discovery is dated to 753 B.C., the time of the foundation of Rome according to legend, which is the first archaeological confirmation that behind the history of Romulus and Remus there could be a real basis.

Until now researchers had only found remains of humble huts in the strata beneath the sanctuary of Vesta, dating from the eighth century BC, but the discovery made by the team of archaeologist Andrea Carandini shows an extraordinary construction, a palace of 340 square meters, of which more than a hundred were covered and the rest were courtyards. An authentic palace, ten times bigger than the rest of the huts, with a monumental entrance, as well as elaborate ceramics and other ornaments.

"It could not be anything other than a royal palace,'' said the archaeologist, who stressed that it was ''a construction of extraordinary dimensions, previously unknown''.
