What does poltergeist mean?

How is a poltergeist produced?

what does poltergeist mean

Poltergeist is a paranormal phenomenon whose term derives from the German words polter (noise) and geist (spirit), so it literally means noisy spirit.

Parapsychology scientifically calls it recurrent spontaneous Psychokinesis and defines it as an ultraphysical manifestation that does not respond to an apparent cause. The poltergeist phenomenon is classified as follows:

  • Acoustic. Blows, human or chanting sounds.
  • Dynamic. Levitating horizontal movements.
  • Optical. Flashes or luminous spheres that move and shadows or translucent bodies.
  • Tactile. From the sensation of rubbing to aggression.
  • Smells. Hedores or perfumes.
  • Others. Spontaneous combustion, thermal or electromagnetic alterations.
