What's the windiest place on Earth?

What's the windiest place on Earth? Commonwealth Bay
Commonwealth Bay
The highest wind speed remembered in the United States was over 370 km/h.

This speed was recorded in Mount Washington, New Hampshire. But it was a rather unusual reading, and winds with just half that speed are rare anywhere in the United States, but not in a certain part of Antarctica.

In Commonwealth Bay, on the Antarctic coast, winds regularly exceed 240 km/h. It is the windiest place on Earth.

Obviously it does not take into account the tornadoes and hurricanes that hit other parts of the planet, but we are talking about a place that throughout the year has persistent high-speed winds.

Can we imagine the cold of Antarctica with winds of 240 km per hour?

With winds of 'barely' 80 km per hour, a temperature of zero degrees C would feel like -56 degrees C.
