An animal without teeth or jaws

An animal without teeth or jaws, anteater

There are many animals without teeth, but almost every animal has some kind of jaw, which can open and close for food to enter. Except the anteater!

This strange South American creature does not seem to have a mouth, its snout is tube-shaped and contains neither teeth nor jaws.

So how does the anteater eat?... with its tongue! The anteater has a very long tongue, sometimes more than 30 cm long, and is very sticky. The anteater looks for a mound of ants, which it tears and opens with its legs and licks dozens of ants with a single movement of its tongue. Then, the anteater puts its tongue back into its snout and swallows the ants all at once.

An ant-eating creature may seem harmless, but the anteater is strong and dangerous. It is an animal that has sharp claws on its legs which not only serve to dig but to defend itself from its enemies. And the giant anteater can be as big as a real bear!
