Facts about laughs

Facts about laughs, young woman
If someone laughs 100 times, it's like riding a 15-minute bike. An energetic laugh increases your heart rate, deepens your breathing and brings into play the muscles of your face, stomach and diaphragm.

In addition to improving our mood, laughter can reduce stress, help fight infections, and reduce pain.

Laughter generates positive changes in brain chemistry through the production of endorphins, and brings more oxygen to the body with deeper inhalations.

Laughter is contagious and instinctive. Our laughter is under minimal conscious control, which challenges the hypothesis that we are in full control of our behavior.

Pietro Aretino, was an Italian author who in 1556 died of asphyxiation from "laughing too much".

Laughter naturally produces killer cells that attack viruses, certain types of cancer and some tumour cells.

The brain can identify a false laugh from an authentic. When the brain senses a false laugh, it increases activity in the area of the prefrontal cortex of the brain. This brain zone gives us the ability to understand the emotions of others. Therefore, no false laughter is worth it.

A good dose of laughter increases energy expenditure and helps eliminate more calories. In addition, some facts suggest that it's a great help in losing weight, although some say the difference isn't much.

Until long ago it was thought that laughter was a quality acquired at birth. However, the obstetrician Stuart Campbell discovered, thanks to 4D ultrasounds, that the first smiles occur when the baby is still in the womb.

According to some facts, you can avoid wrinkles. Want to keep your face younger and wrinkle-free? Start laughing! It's also a simple, natural beauty treatment.
