10 facts about the planet Neptune

neptune planet facts

 1. Neptune's moon, Triton has the coldest temperatures measured in the Solar System, about -230°c.

2. Neptune is the fourth largest planet among the eight main planets in our Solar System.

3. Neptune looks blue in color. This is due to the absorption of red light by methane in the atmosphere.

4. Neptune's atmospheric composition comprises of hydrogen, helium, methane, traces of ammonia and water.

5. In Roman Mythology, Neptune is the God of the Sea.

6. Amongst all the eight planets in the Solar System, Neptune has the strongest wind flow. The wind blows in a westerly direction, at a speed of 2,000 km/hour.

7. Like Jupiter's Great Red Spot, Neptune also has dark spots. However, these spots disappear and reappear on different parts of the planet, unlike Jupiter's spot.

8. Neptune's moon, Triton, is slowly getting closer to it. It is believed that finally, the moon will get so close that it will get torn apart by Neptune's gravity and, possibly, form rings more spectacular than Saturn's.

9. It takes 165 years for Neptune to revolve around the Sun. Since its discovery in 1846, the planet has not yet completed a full orbit.

10. Neptune's moon, Triton orbits in the direction opposite to the planet's rotation. It is the only large moon in the Solar System to do this.