10 interesting facts about elephants

elephant animal facts

1. Elephants are known to have a very sharp memory.
2. Elephant is presently the largest animal that lives on land.
3. The trunk of an elephant has no bones. It has approximately 150,000 muscles and nerves, which provide flexibility.
4. Elephants love water and they are very excellent swimmers.
5. Elephant herds are matriarchal in nature i.e. they are headed by a female, usually the oldest and largest female of the group.
6. An elephant poops around 80 pounds in one day.
7. Elephants can make very low frequency sounds, which are below the human range of hearing.
8. Elephants cool off themselves by fanning their ears. Fanning cools the blood in their ears and when this blood goes to the rest of their body, it also gets cooled.
9. Elephants suck up water into their trunks and shoot it into their mouths, while drinking.
10. Elephants can take up to 18 quarts of water into their trunks at one time.