Jean Leon Gerome - biographical facts

Greek Cockfight
J. L. Gerome (1824- 1904) was a French painter and sculptor, one of the most eminent of the later nineteenth century artists. He was born at Vesoul, Haute-Saone, France, the son of a gold-smith. M. Gerome began study under Delaroche at the age of 15. In 1847 he competed unsuccessfully for the Prix de Rome but the picture he submitted, Greek Cockfight, created a sensation. He spent years in travel, gathering much ma­terial for his later work. He painted many picfures, most of which are in France, although the Metropolitan Museum in New York contains some of his best work. For a time during his later life, Gerome almost abandoned painting for sculpture. A partial list of his pictures is here given: Phryne Befare the Tribunal, Cleopatra and Caesar, Gladiators Befare Caesar, Pollice Verso, Duel After a Masked Ball and Promenade In the Harem. His best sculptures are The Entry of Bonaparte into Cairo (Luxem-bourg Museum), Frederick the Greca, Tamerlane, Tanagra, and a tinted marble bust of Sarah Bernhardt.