Who were the Germans?

German warrior
The Germans were an important Teutonic race inhabiting central Europe. The people were known to the Romans as Germani. At the beginning of our era the Germani, or Germans, occupied central Europe from the Vistula and the Carpathians on the east to a point westward of the Rhine. During the third and fourth centuries many German tribes migrated. The Vandals settled in Spain and now form a part of the Spanish people. The Lombards settled in the valley of the Po and were absorbed by the Italians. The Franks and the Burgundians contributed to the present population of France. The Ger­mans were forced from a part of their territory by the Slavs, who broke over the Carpathian barriers. Descendants of the ancient Germans formed the great majority of the German Empire. About one-fourth of the inhabitants of Austria- Hungary were Germans. The Baltic provinces of Russia contain about a million Germans. Two-thirds of Switzerland is inhabited by people of Germanic race and language.