Umberto Giordano - biographical facts

Umberto Giordano (1867-1948) was an Italian composer born in Foggia. He studied music at the Conservatory of Naples with Serrao, and while there received the commission to write his first opera, Mala Vita. A few years later Regina Diaz was presented, but without success. The next opera to follow was Andrea Chénier, and this was such a success that it made Gior­dano famous outside of Italy. Fedora, which was first given in 1898, was almost as great a success as Andrea Chénier, while Siberia, which was given in 1904, was not so successful. After this Giordano did not write any operas until 1913, when Mese Mariano appeared. This showed improvement, but did not achieve the acclaim that Andrea Chénier did.