Grasshopper facts

   The grasshopper is an insect allied to the locust, cricket, and katydid. The dusty jumpers commonly called grasshoppers are locusts. The common grasshoppers of the meadows may be known from lo­custs by a green, transparent body and a pair of long, slender, delicate feelers which extend forward, or backward in some spe-cies beyond the tip of the abdomen. In general, the life of the grasshopper is like that of his shorthorned relative, the lo­cust.
   Grasshoppers are remarkable for their long hind legs and power of jumping. Most grasshoppers feed uppon plants, but a few eat caterpillars and small insects. They are almost universal in distribution. The Acridiidae have short antennae and ovipositor, and chirp by rubbing the wing case against the leg.