
   The petunia is one of the favorite flowers of home gardeners. The velvety, funnel-shaped blossom of the petunia may be white, pink, reddish, violet, purple, or sometimes striped. Some hybrids, or mixed varieties, have ruffled edges. The petunia is a member of the nightshade family.
   The petunia is a hardy annual and a satisfactory flower for beginners to grow. Seeds should be sown early indoors or in a cold frame. Some gardeners say the smallest and slowest-growing seedlings often pro­duce the best colors. The many leaves and the stems of the plant are covered with hair-like structures.
   Petunias like a rich soil and plenty of sunshine. They are not only a popular flower for the backyard garden, but they are widely used for window boxes, porch boxes, and hanging baskets.